DMarkBeauty is geared towards upholding the true beauty of a Filipina which is exhibited through her good character. With this, we openly support the Filipino Calidad Humana Movement, an advocacy that aims to preserve the laudable characters of the Filipino such as spirituality, generosity, friendship, resiliency, and humility to name a few.
Calidad Humana characteristics discourage prioritizing material things, and focus on supporting the virtue of showing concern to others, which is apparent in Filipinos. The movement intends to create awareness in the people to take care of this human richness and avoid the risk of losing it as what has happened in other latitudes.
Together with conducting talks all over the country, Calidad Humana is in the process of publishing a book with the collaboration of renowned academicians from prestigious universities.
Join us in this movement, to advocate and be champions of this cause. Participate and show your support by liking their Facebook page and spreading the good news to Filipino you know!